B Grade Cold Water Canadian Lobster

I get first shot at B Grade Cold water Canadian lobster tails for next week Wednesday 7-22 delivery. B Grade is not perfect tails, some parts of the flippers or shells are broken, Meat is intact and good to go. Very Limited quanities, I have first shot until Friday then she releases what is left to the rest of her sales staff. Must purchase whole box, 10 pound box at $25 per pound. Thats $250.00 per box. You can split them with family or friends, I will help you with weights but you still must buy the whole box.

available size
1 12-14 oz
1 10-12 oz
1 6-8 oz
2 6-7 oz
8 5-6 oz
16 4-5 oz

Call me at 920 734 4905 to order. If you have a chest freezer you could save them for Christmas or New Years otherwise have Christmas in July!

Sorry for the extra E-mail.

Richard Niemuth
Niemuth’s Southside Market

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